My Virtual Sanity

Have you ever felt the need to share your thoughts with virtual strangers just so you can pretend that you have adult conversations during the day? Well, that's what I'm about to do. Be prepaired for my life as a stay at home, obsessive knitter, and my attempts to stay connected with the rest of the world.

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Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The end of Christmas

Well, Christmas if officially over in my house. The tree and all the decorations are now packed up in their boxes and sent off to the storage unit. We live in a 900 square foot condo, with 2 adults, 2 kids, and a cat. There is DEFINITELY no room for it all in here. It is nice to get the big tree out of my dining room. It was blocking my path back to my yarn stash, and the path I left for myself a few months ago isn't big enough for me now with my ever bigger pregnant belly. The house does look pretty bare though.

I had great hopes that while my husband was putting things back in storage that he could find the box with my camera cable in it. Apparently he "thinks" it's in a particular box at the very back, and burried under about 5 other boxes. I guess there's no hope of me getting it out, because this would require him to remove almost everything from the unit just to get to the box. I guess that leaves me with the option of buying a new cable, or sending the camera with him to work every few days to download the pictures and then burn them to a CD. Maybe I'll visit today....


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