Team Knitting Parents
My favorite list that I belong to is the knittingparents group on Yahoo. You all make my day! Someone asked how many of us are doing the knitting Olympics and suggested that we should really all be one team with a cool button or something so we could all cheer for each other. The idea for the button was described as a harassed looking mom knitting away furiously while she had a toddler climbing up her leg. I have adobe Photoshop, and have made quite a few signatures for forums for my previous obsession FFXI. I'm not a good artist if I have to draw on the computer though, so I went scrounging around on the internet for some fun free clip art to use in our buttons. Here is what I came up with:

If this looks like it describes your knitting experience during the Olympics, and especially if you belong to the knitting group on yahoo, please take a button and display it proudly!

If this looks like it describes your knitting experience during the Olympics, and especially if you belong to the knitting group on yahoo, please take a button and display it proudly!
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