Picot Edged Fingerless Mitts a Free Pattern

Yarn: Aprox 120 yrds of sport weight yarn.
Sample is knit with about 1/2 skein of Cherry Tree Hill Super Sport; 4oz, 250 yrds, Quarry Hill color way.
Needles: Size 3 please use your preferred circular knitting solution; ie: dpn or circular.
Gauge: 20 stitches and 8 rows to 4 inches
Make 2 identical mitts. They work equally well for either hand.
Using the backward loop method, Cast on 32 stitches.
Knit 5 rounds.
*Yo, K2tog* around.
Knit 5 rounds.
Fold the cast on edge up towards the inside of the tube. Pick up 1 stitch from the cast on edge and place on left hand needle. K2tog. Repeat this around until entire hem is knit up.
Picot edge created.
Knit until cuff measures 3 1/2 inches from the tip of picot edging.
Round 1: K2, PM, M1, K2, M1, PM, Knit to end of round.
Round 2: Knit 1 round.
Round 3: K2, Slip marker, M1, Knit to next marker, M1, Slip marker, Knit to end of round.
Round 4: Knit 1 round.
Repeat rounds 3 and 4 until there are 6 stitches between markers.
Knit 2, remove marker, K1, Bind off 14 stitches, K1, remove marker, Knit to the end of round.
Knit 1 round.
Knit 2, K2tog, Knit to end of round.
Continue knitting even until mitt measures 7 inches from picot edging, or 1 1/2 inches since binding off thumb stitches.
Knit 5 rounds.
*Yo, K2tog* around
Knit 5 rounds.
Break yarn, leaving a tail that is at least 10 inches long. Do not bind off.
Turn mitt inside out. Fold edge down and using a tapestry needle sew down top picot edging.
I finished these mitts last night and have worn them a lot today. I really like them, but am debating if maybe I shouldn't have bound off the thumb stitches, but instead left them live so that I could knit a longer thumb. I like how they look, but my thumb gets just a tad cold.
When creating the thumb, the pattern says "repeat rounds 3 and 4 until there are 6 stitches between markers". Should this say *16* stitches between markers?
the fingertips start to get cold in cold weather, simply cover fingers with the mitten flip to stay warm all day long. For those gloves wholesalers who deal in winter products, these are the most compact gloves to place a custom order. custom fingerless gloves
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